Car wraps are becoming the latest trend in the marketing department these days as more companies are taking the advantage of placing custom made graphics on their vehicles to make them stand out from the rest of the boring old traffic.

Creating and designing your very own graphic is a hard and grueling process and it involves around numerous hours of work. But the truth is, these graphics are easy to install on any vehicle and the best part is the illuminated letters, removing these graphics is even more easier.

Installation come in two different types and the first one is by using wet application. That's right water is used to help apply the wrap to the car and it is pretty much similar to hanging wallpapers. While most people use the water method, experts disagree and prefer the dry application.  Using the dry approach lets you put the wrap directly to the car without having to do any additional requirements.

In applying a wrap always make sure that it fits snuggly in your car. It should obviously fit on your car as it is made specifically for them. Once you have all the pieces temporarily glued on then the next thing to do is start pealing the backing of the car wrap.  Once done, you need to make sure that there are no air bubbles found in your car as it will ruin your vehicle's appearance. Poke a small hole in the center of the bubble with the use of a needle or a razor blade. Gently  press all the air out with the use of a sponge or squeegee to make it smooth enough.

Once all the bubbles are eliminated you can now start to cut the wrap for you to open the doors , mirrors and other movable objects found in the car. The only hardest thing about making this step is making a deep cut as you might hit the pain underneath. It is best to make small cuts rather than slicing your way to the wrap. Read More